What the… what is a PODCAST?
Think of it like a radio show of days gone by… like sitting around the radio and listening to Buck Rogers or The Shadow… but instead of tuning in at a specific time, you can listen whenever you want!

So crowd around the ‘ol computer or mobile phone… warm up those vacuum tubes… and listen in!

Delve into the Uncanny

From Yokai and Bigfoot sightings to spirits, other-worldly beings and UFO encounters, we share stories and interviews; exploring evidence, theories, and philosophical implications. Always respectful with a touch of impish irreverence, we gather stories with wit and wisdom encouraging a strong look at Indigenous perspectives.

This project has been brewing in our minds for years and now with the help of our community (including the uncanny world) we are making it a reality.

The Dr Kitsune & Odd Bob Uncanny Coffee Hour Podcast

Episode 001: Kitsune / The Tiger Bride

Feb 14, 2025

Episode 002: Sasquatch!

Feb 28, 2025

Episode 003: Stick Indians

March 14, 2025

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